
An entity is a object representation of an row in a table in your database, this object should contain all or some fields of your table, and these fields should be mapped using the annotations specified in the previous document.

An entity must have one or more primary keys, and these keys may have an strategy defined or not.

All entities must implement the ExportableEntity interface provided by the DataMonkey package, and these entities may extend the ExportAbstract class that is a configured implementation of the ExportableEntity interface to export your entities to your repository class.

Simple Entity Example

namespace Vendor\Package;

use DataMonkey\Entity\ExportableEntity;
use DataMonkey\Entity\ExportAbstract;

class SimpleEntity extends ExportAbstract implements ExportableEntity
     * @pk
     * @db_ref id_entity
     * @strategy auto
    public $id = null;

     * @db_ref foo_column
    public $foo = null;

Complex Entity Example

namespace Vendor\Package;

use DataMonkey\Entity\ExportableEntity;
use DataMonkey\Entity\ExportAbstract;

class ComplexEntity extends ExportAbstract implements ExportableEntity
     * @pk
     * @db_ref id_entity
     * @strategy auto
    public $id = null;

     * @pk
     * @db_ref fk_column
     * @strategy manual
    public $sub_id = null;

     * @db_ref foo_column
    public $foo = null;